Qline Diagnostics is one of the top reference laboratory in Ahmedabad Naranpura providing testing services 24×7 through its robust network .

We provide Lab management services in a hospital or Clinician setup to provide the best patient experience .

We also provide testing services for Clinical Research Organizations CRO for their special tests need. One point of contact for all the queries – Direct contact with the pathologist doctor.



Partner or sponsor Qline Diagnostics – Contact us with your proposal.

  • Conference Name: World Congress on Probiotics, Prebiotics and Nutrition
    Date: January 28-29, 2019
    Venue: Dubai, UAE
    Link: https://probiotics-prebiotics.pulsusconference.com/
  • Description: 
    Pulsus group takes an immense pleasure to organize a conference on Probiotics which is the “World  Congress on Probiotics, Prebiotics and Nutrition” that is Probiotics 2019 which channelizes the blooming advancement in the field of probiotics microflora that details about the recent therapies to treat disorders due to lack of probiotics and prebiotics microflora in the gastro intestinal tract of the human beings. This Probiotics 2019 is being intended for the International Probiotics and prebiotics nutritionist and research experts to encourage the use of explorational discoveries identified which would be as an aid to the people who is being suffering from various disorders due to lack of bacteria and bacterial promoters in the Gastro intestinal tract of the human beings.________________________________________________________________________
  • 25th International Conference on Human Metabolic Health- Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism
  • March 21-22, 2019, Dubai, UAE
  • The theme this time is “Collective impact on human metabolism”. Human Metabolic Health- Diabetes, Obesity, & Metabolism organizes a scientific gatherings with the heed of bringing together world renowned researchers and scientists to ponder upon the Challenges and solutions faced by the Social Community.
  • JustDial