Dengue NS1 test Ahmedabad
Get tested for Dengue infection if you are suffering from fever this season. Dengue is spreading a lot in Ahmedabad currently and there are lots of cases of it. Differentiating dengue from other disease is necessary for proper treatment and followup.

Three types of tests available :
- Dengue NS1 antigen Test : It can be positive from day 1 of fever to around 5 days of infection. Done by 2 methods
- Rapid (Immunochromatography) test is a qualitative test and Rapid Test price is Rs 600 and result comes within 1 hour.
- ELISA method : cost is Rs 800, result comes within 6-12 hours depending on sample collection time and is more sensitive and better than rapid test.
- Dengue IgG, IgM antibody test. The dengue antibodies appear from around day 4-5 after infection. Done by 2 methods :
- Rapid method : Test price for IgG+IgM rapid test is Rs 600 total for both,
- ELISA method price is Rs 600 each IgG or IgM, Rs 1200 for both.
- Dengue Profile/Panel (which includes all NS1, IgG, IgM tests) –
- Rapid method cost is Rs 1200
- ELISA method price is Rs 1800.
Dengue RT-PCR test : Which detects virus genetic material , cost price is Rs 2000, result report comes in 12 hours. It is the best and confirmatory test during 1-5 days of illness.
- All the above NS1, IgG and IgM tests available by Rapid immunochromatographic method and ELISA method. Rapid method result comes fast within 1-2 hours while ELISA method result comes within 6-8 hrs. Elisa is little more sensitive than rapid method but little costlier
- CBC Test (Complete blood count / Hemogram) is also a necessary and first test which helps to diagnose possibility of dengue infection. The platelets go down in dengue and so CBC test is often repeated to see status of platelet count. Price Rs 250 for complete blood count.
Get tested for any of the above dengue tests at Qline Diagnostics Naranpura Ahmedabad 079-48979042
Home visit and health checkup packages available..
Note :
Please consult your physician for the report or further information to get tested.
Recommended test is NS1 Antigen during the first 5 days of fever. After 7-10 days of fever, the recommended test is Dengue fever antibodies IgG & IgM test.
Dengue NS1 test positive means the individual is currently infected with the dengue virus. A negative result does not rule out the dengue infection especially if done after first 3-4 days of fever. The test should be redone to confirm the suspicion or go for other tests like IgG, IgM antibody test or Dengue PCR.